Monday, July 12, 2010

Gameplay VIdeos Are Copyright Infringement? And What The F*ck CONJOPI!

Hey guys. It's me again with another post that's really pissing me off. Who here likes video games? Now who likes it when other gamers walk you through video games with added commentary via Youtube? I am a fan of both if you cannot tell from what I favorite on Youtube. These walkthroughs, or Let's Play's as they're better known as, have helped my beat plenty of the games I have. To name a few, these videos helped me beat Metroid Prime 3: Corruption 100% and on Hypermode as well as Mega Man 10. There are plenty of Let's Players out there, but my favorite has to go to NintendoCapriSun. There's only one problem though. HE JUST GOT SUSPENDED BY SOME LOWLIFE SCUM! I f*cking loved that guy, and if I were gay, I'd probably want to have sex with him. What I didn't really understand is why would somebody suspend him? I mean, just look at these moments of his!

Why would you want to suspend somebody this funny? Is it illegal or something to upload gameplay videos? Well apparently it may be. I don't have all the details, but I do know a fellow blogger and friend that can explain more about this. Just go to and you'll get more information concerning gameplay videos and copyright laws.

To tell the truth, I'm not really all that good with law, but I do know this. Whoever suspended him is the same type of guy that f*cked up Spongebob, the same type of guy who can't make a funny cartoon (I have a whole list of cartoons that should be mentioned now, but I'll do it later in the future), and the same type of guy who's just a downright jackass! Whoever suspended NintendoCapriSun won't stop this steaming pile of bull crap from occuring. He'll do the same to Chuggaaconroy and then he'll hit the big money maker that is If you're the douche that got NintendoCapriSun suspended, I have two words for you. F*ck you!

And that's one thing that's been pissing me off lately, but there's something else that's been pissing me off even more. Come back tomorrow as I rant about what else has been going on recently.

If you want me to talk about something that pisses you off, leave a comment on either this blog or on my Youtube page You can also email me at you for your time and I'll see you in another blog.

*Update* I just heard that the person who managed to get NintendoCapriSun suspended, Youtube user CONJOPI, has been suspended as well. Turns out he was using false DMCA claims to get NintendoCapriSun suspended and now it's come back to bite him in the ass. Two things come to my mind when I think of this.
1.Douche had it coming.
2. We really need DMCA reform so stuff like this doesn't happen again.

*Update 2* I recently found out that Chuggaaconroy has recently been suspended as well due to the same circumstances. I have every reason to believe that CONJOPI is responsible for this as well. He did have Chuggaaconroy on his "victims list" prior to being suspended and it seems he isn't giving up. It's possible that CONJOPI used false DMCA claims against Chuggaaconroy, just like he did with NintendoCapriSun. CONJOPI is abusing DMCA, and if I recall, that is a felony. So that means that every time he gets somebody suspended due to false DMCA claims, he gets two counts of DMCA abuse on his criminal record. Youtube, if you're reading this, DMCA needs reform and CONJOPI needs to be brought to justice.

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